Friday, September 28, 2012

The Egg Report

We are officially at the one week mark of laying.  For the last 7 days, we have gotten 1 egg per day, light brown (from one of the Barred Plymouth Rocks).  I suspect it is from Weiss, as she is slightly larger and seemed to be growing faster than Rosa.  I can not be 100% sure as I have not caught the layer in the act.  The first 6 eggs were probably 'medium' in size.  I tend to buy large eggs and they were definitely smaller than that.  Today (day 7), the egg I found was significantly larger in my hand.  When I put it in the carton with the other few from the last couple of days it was indeed larger.  I did have chicken rearing friends tell me that it is not uncommon for new layers to lay an egg a day to start.  Also read that eggs could be smaller, deformed, missing the shell, etc.  All 7 eggs have been perfect.  The 3 I cracked were nice and strong and insides looked great.  Hoping at least one more starts laying in the next week!  Everyday is an adventure and we have so much excitement for our little hens. 

A few websites I like for your perusal.  Loads of info and forums to discuss all things poultry. Check out the FarmRaised channel on You Tube starring P. Allen Smith!  Not just chickens and lots of good info. Another good website.  I think you can order chicks from them as well.

If you are a researcher like will want to check out these books.  A lovely book with nice photos documenting one woman's 3 chicks from hatching to laying.  I am still referencing it!  Great book with detailed info on what chickens can and can't eat and what plants have medicinal properties and can help out your flock.  I didn't buy this book, but found it in the library.  Good info and authors are from the most chicken friendly city in the country (and my favorite place ever), Portland OR.  Lots of chicken coop designs and plans.  Our coop came from this book with some modifications.  I will try to document more on that later.

It's 11:15 pm, pitch black outside and nothing but crickets chirping.....and Lila just crowed. What the heck!  The chicken adventure never ends!

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