We are still waiting for the remainder of the girls to start laying. The Barred Rocks have been providing us with 1-2 eggs per day. We did have 2 days with only 1 egg last week and one of those days also left us with 2 soft shell eggs under the roost bars. The shell looked the same color as the good eggs, but I didn't think it was possible for a chicken to lay more than one egg a day. Not sure what was going on with that. So far, we've gotten 2 double yolkers! They are much bigger than the medium size of the regular eggs. It's neat to crack them open to reveal the 2 yolks! From what I've read, it's pretty common with Barred Rocks.
One of our 'soft shelled' eggs. The weight of the liquid just crushed the shell as I tried to pick them up. This one was broken....not sure if it was stepped on or dropped from the roost bar. The other one was intact abut close to this in the poop box under the roost area. Both of these shells seemed to be the same shade as the light brown eggs we've been getting from the Barred Rocks, however, chickens really can only lay one egg per day 24-36 hours what gives? Not sure if they came from one or 2 of the other girls...but I would think they'd be tinted green/blue if they came from the Easter Eggers. We'll just have to keep waiting!
The Winter Winds Will Soon Be Blowing.....
Starting to get ready for winter. We have a few projects we'd like to work on. I got a bail of straw today and lined the bottom of the run with it. Hoping this gives the birds some insulation and protection from the muddy and at some point snowy ground. Those bails are deceptive! I came home with one and thought I would probably have to get another. When I cut the twine, it seemed to double in size! I saved some in the shed to add as this stuff gets compacted.
Kenny secured the party lights up around the top of the coop. It looks nice. He ran the rope out the ventillation hole and mounted the solar piece up top. It seems to keep the coop lit pretty late. Hope it's bright enough to make a difference for the layers!
One other thing we will soon be doing is cutting up a tarp/cloth to cover some of the exposed parts of the run for a wind blocker. I'd feel bad keeping the birds locked up in the coop all winter, so if it gives them a place to be outside for a bit, it will be good. I'm trying to think ahead of the blowing snow. I have a feeling cleaning the coop might be difficult once the freezing sets we will probably just add more wood chips as the winter goes on and then do a good cleaning come spring.
One other thing we need to figure out is how to keep their water from freezing. We still have a little time....
Preparing for a blustery day....
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